Top 5 Reasons to Buy the 2010 Lexus HS Hybrid 250h


#1 - Image

#2 - Interior Design

#3 - Quality

#4 - Features/Luxury

#5 - Comfort

Contributor #1
Reason Comments
#1: Image For a ''greenie'' with only modestly deep pockets the HS250h will fit the bill for a conservationist image but it's not obviously a hybrid if you don't notice the badge.
#2: Interior Design The little knob that controls everything in the info/nav screen is the slickest ever.
#3: Quality The quality, as we would expect from a Lexus is excellent, though the ambiance is less than impressive.
#4: Features/Luxury You can get all the luxury content you'll ever need, much of it standard, of course.
#5: Comfort Great seats, great ride - a car that would be easy to live with.